Turkey Poults

Turkeys get large and grow fast. Start them on a grower crumble.
Baby turkeys thrive on the stimulation they receive from
the reflected heat of a 250 watt heat lamp.
This also applies to Guineas and Gamebirds.

Turkey poults - April thru July  

Straight Run Only

  8 15 25 50 100
broad breasted whites






Broad breasted bronze  





Call for availability and pricing for Heritage Turkey Poults.  
  • OUR BROAD BREASTED WHITES and BRONZE are bred for exceptional growth, and fast gains. Excellent feed conversion and livability. Our customers rave about the size of these turkeys. Raise a flock of these beauties for holiday marketing.
  • BOURBON RED TURKEYS - Rich chestnut plumage. Active foragers, usually do well in pasture based production systems. Heavy breast and rich flavored meat. Toms weigh 33 lbs. and 10 lbs for the hen.
  • ROYAL PALM TURKEYS - They are a smaller, thrifty and active turkey. White with a metallic black edging on the feathers. Mature Toms weigh 22 lbs. and 12 lbs. for hens.
  • BLACK SPANISH - They are a metallic black with a greenish sheen. Mature Toms weigh 33 lbs and hens about 17 lbs. They have a calm disposition and fast growth rate.
  • BLUE SLATE TURKEYS - Named for its color. Weights are about 30 lbs. for toms and 18 lbs. for hens. Not used commercially but popular for exhibition.

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